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Utilities and Energy Services

Facilities Services Utilities & Energy Services is responsible for providing the University of Florida Campus with central utilities including:
- Chilled water
- Steam
- Electricity
- Water
- Reclaimed/irrigation water
- Wastewater treatment
In addition to managing the daily maintenance and operations for on campus utilities of a scope comparable to most small municipalities, the Facilities Services Utilities & Energy Services department also plans and manages wide-ranging utilities infrastructure initiatives to ensure resiliency for research and education needs. Over the past five years we’ve implemented a philosophical shift in the way utilities planning is approached at UF. This move to a proactive master planning approach has enabled us to target holistic system-wide solutions to long-term utilities requirements.
We strive to be active participants in advancing the strategic goals of the university. As the University of Florida pursues a top five ranking we are focused on fulfilling the infrastructure needs of a top-tier research institution.
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