Facilities Services recognized with Innovation Award
Over the last several years, the Facilities Services team has diligently worked in conjunction with Business Affairs Technical Services to expand the use of technology to enhance both the user experience of our employees and the information we are able to gather about the maintenance of our campus assets. Due to the organization’s successes in […]
Powering Progress at the University of Florida: Central Energy Plant Project
Each day at the University of Florida, students receive a one-of-a-kind education that will help them succeed and strive to find solutions to the toughest challenges we face. Meanwhile, a network of utility systems operates quietly in the background to ensure campus facilities are prepared to meet the needs of the Gator community. An efficient […]
Facilities Services commences Wastewater Treatment Improvement Initiatives
Facilities Services is set to begin the first of several construction projects designed to improve the existing equipment that composes the wastewater treatment process on campus. The UF Water Reclamation Facility, which has the capacity to reclaim and treat over 3 million gallons of water daily, is over 25 years old and needs modernization to […]
Facilities Services takes proactive measures against COVID-19
During the past several weeks the UF community has undergone a large change as both students and staff have moved off campus. While the majority of our customers are now off-campus, our employees have been busier than ever implementing measures to help maintain a healthy environment for those who remain and lay a strong foundation […]
GatorWorks Launch
Facilities Services is excited to announce the launch of GatorWorks – our customer portal for the entry of new work requests and updates on processed requests. GatorWorks provides a more intuitive framework for customers to submit information, and it provides our team with a more efficient method to evaluate requests and create work orders. The […]
Smoke testing to be performed week of August 12th
University of Florida Facilities Services will be smoke testing the sanitary sewer lines on campus to improve sewer service. This test, which involves forcing smoke into the sanitary sewer lines, will check for leaks, breaks and defects in the system. The smoke is odorless, creates no fire hazard, and should not enter buildings unless there […]
Building Services product testing aims to optimize performance
To be better stewards of our resources, and produce better results from our floor crews, Building Service is conducting a test of floor wax products between April 4th and July 5th. The companies involved in the test are Betco, National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pioneer, and Sanitis. Building Services has identified a high traffic area in […]
Facilities Services receives 2018 Public Spaces Award
The Facilities Services Grounds Department has been awarded the 2018 Public Spaces Award from the Gainesville City Beautification Board for the courtyard of the Academic Research Building. The ARB of the UF College of Medicine is a very busy and high-profile location on campus. The terraced courtyard is the site for hundreds of people to […]
Clothing now recycled at UF!
Is your closet bursting with items you no longer wear? UF now offers two opportunities for donating your unwanted clothing for reuse or recycling. Gator Career Closet offers free professional clothing to help UF students look the part when interviewing for jobs or attending professional events. The organization is seeking clothing in good condition, including […]
Campus Beautification
Campus beautification efforts are one of the many ways that Facilities Services helps to improve the lives and surroundings of our students, faculty and staff. From our colorful entrance ways to maintaining the vegetation in the Plaza of the Americas we strive to keep our campus looking fresh and vibrant with every with step we […]