Building Services product testing aims to optimize performance
To be better stewards of our resources, and produce better results from our floor crews, Building Service is conducting a test of floor wax products between April 4th and July 5th. The companies involved in the test are Betco, National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pioneer, and Sanitis. Building Services has identified a high traffic area in the Medical Science Building and designated approximately one hundred and twenty (120) feet along the ground floor hallway of the Medical Science Building West Entrance as the test area.
The Building Services floor crew stripped and prepared the test area on March 25th, and each company will apply four (4) coats of their floor wax product over a linear section of approximately thirty (30) feet. The application dates are March 26th for NCL, March 27th for Sanitis, March 28th for Pioneer, and April 3rd for Betco. Building Services will monitor the wax application process to ensure floor coat finishes are applied equally.
During the test period, Building Services will maintain the floor as normal (dust mop, mop, auto scrub and burnish on a daily/weekly schedule), and monitor each company’s test area for gloss, hardness, durability, scuff resistance, black mark resistance, clarity, dry time and ease of application. It is expected that one product will emerge that will meet the expectations of our building occupants, while saving Building Services’ resources in labor and product. Inferior products may initially cost less, but when extra coats of wax are applied and/or reapplied to mimic better products over a shorter period, the savings are quickly absorbed and diminished.
For more information regarding this test or other Building Services initiatives, please contact: Larry Ellis at 846-1622, David Garzon at 392-8471, or David Andino at 294-5505.