Rates and Fees

Building Services


Service Rate
Custodial Contracts/Auxiliary $38 per hour, per crew member (minimum 3 hours on weekends)
Custodial Services $38 per hour, per crew member (minimum 3 hours on weekends)
Floor & Carpet Care Custom estimate provided (minimum 1 hour – maximum 1,000 NSF)
High Performance Work Teams
Service Rate
Business Complex, Progress Triangle, HSC Research Complex, Engineering North, Engineering South $38.00 per hour (minimum 3 hours on weekends)


Building Maintenance
Service Rate
Key Shop $75.00 per hour
Building: Structural
Service Rate
Roofing and Carpentry $55.00 per hour
Building: Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing
Service Rate
Electric, Fire Alarms, HVAC, Plumbing, Steam, Chillers, Controls, Generators, PM $65.00 per hour


Service Rate
Landscaping $42.00 per hour


Motor Pool

Service Rate
Fuel Cost + $0.40 per gallon
Parts Cost + 70% of cost
Repairs $110.00 per hour
Towing $65.00 minimum inside city limits, $4 per mile beyond
Tire Disposal $5.00 per tire



Utility Rates
Service FY 2025 Rates (July 1, 2024) FY 2024 Rates (July 1, 2023)
Chilled Water $193.10 per KTH $191.10 per KTH
Chilled Water Impact Fee $2,800 per Connected Ton $2,800 per Connected Ton
Electricity $0.16 per kWh $0.16 per kWh
Refuse and Recycling $11.00 per cubic yard $11.00 per cubic yard
Steam $18.81 per klb $19.70 per klb
Water $5.73 per kgal $5.46 per kgal
Waste Water $8.61 per kgal $8.03 per kgal
Labor Rates
Service FY 2025 Rates (July 1, 2024) FY 2024 Rates (July 1, 2023)
Electricity $65.00 per hour $62.50 per hour
Chilled Water $65.00 per hour $62.50 per hour
Controls $65.00 per hour $62.50 per hour
Steam $65.00 per hour $62.50 per hour
Water $65.00 per hour $62.50 per hour
Waste Water $65.00 per hour $62.50 per hour


Events and Rentals

Equipment Rentals
Service Rate
Barricades (Includes delivery and pickup) $7.00 per barricade
Decorative Palms $7.00 per plant (3 day maximum)
Delivery Truck $45.00 per day
Folding Chairs* $1.00 per chair (1st day), $0.25 per chair (subsequent days)
($25 Minimum Order)
Padded Chairs* $1.50 per chair (1st day), $0.50 per chair (subsequent days)
($25 Minimum Order)
Folding Tables* $3.50 per table (1st day), $1.10 per table (subsequent days)
($25 Minimum Order)
Poster Boards* $5.00 per board per day (2 day minimum for weekends/UF holidays)
* Organization must communicate the cancellation of an event no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time by contacting Work Management at 252 392 1121. The customer will be charged for any labor hours associated with employees being present on campus for the specific need of providing support for the event. Charges incurred for preparatory work will be billed to the customer.

Equipment Purchases
Service Rate
ClearStream Waste, Recycle and Compost System Limited Availability
Composting (Liner and disposal) $5.00 each
Event Box $3.50 each
Recycling (Liner and disposal) $1.00 each
Trash (Liner and disposal) $7.00 each
Replacement Costs
In the event that rented equipment is lost or damaged, the customer is assessed replacement costs for lost equipment.
Service Rate
5-foot Rectangle Tables $69.00 each
6-foot Rectangle Tables $76.00 each
8-foot Rectangle Tables $125.00 each
5-foot Round Tables $160.00 each
6-foot Round Tables $230.00 each
Folding Chairs $19.00 each
Padded Chairs $54.00 each
ClearStream Cart $630.00 each
ClearStream Connector $12.00 each
ClearStream Frame and lid $70.00 each
ClearStream Sign $20.00 each
Poster Boards $900.00 each