Plastic Film and Bubble Packs

Film and Bubble Packs

Plastic film wrap and bubble packaging, used for cushioning and protecting products for transport, come with almost every bulk purchase. Most of this wrap is made from low or high density polyethylene, often a nuisance in solid waste systems as it easily blows away from waste containers and trucks to becomes litter. Polyethylene also does not biodegrade in landfills but can be recycled back into packaging or other consumer products. Facilities Services Central Stores collects the following types of plastic film generated from campus operations:

  • Bubble packaging and air pillows
  • Plastic wrapping from furniture and electronics
  • Shrink wrap and pallet wrap

Reduce. UF does not have on-campus recycling for plastic bags from grocery and retail stores. Please reduce the use of these bags by bringing your own reusable bags when you shop. (Most area supermarkets and retail box stores have recycling containers for plastic shopping bags, newspaper bags, bread bags, dry cleaner bags, envelopes, zip lock food storage bags, and cereal box liners. To find participating retailers, visit Plastic Film Recycling Organization.)

How To Recycle

Please remove strapping and other contaminants. Bag unlabeled bubble wrap, air pillows and plastic film separately from plastic wrap that bears labels. (Our recycler will take both types of plastic, but the unlabeled film has U.S. markets, helping create local jobs in the manufacture of new products.) Bring your bagged plastic to the front of Central Stores for collection.

More information

For further information or Recycling Team help, please contact the Recycling and Solid Waste Department at (352) 392-7396 or