Building Name (If known)
Other 105 Classroom Building - 0105 1329 Building - 1090 800 Second at Innovation Square - L0033 ACS Housing - 0641 ACS Housing - 0336 ACS Housing #2 - 0604 ACS Storage - 0633 ACS Storage - 0335 Academic Advising Center (AAC) - 0019 Academic Research Building - 0201 Administration & Maintenance - 1162 Agric Engineering Field Lab - 0616 Agric Engineering Field Lab - 0819 Agric Engineering Field Lab - 0825 Agricultural Engineering - 0543 Agricultural Engineering Shop - 0227 Agricultural Networks Laboratory - 0168 Agronomy Drying Building - 0842 Agronomy Drying Facility - 0128 Agronomy Fertilizer Storage - 0976 Agronomy Field Lab - 0338 Agronomy Field Lab - 0343 Agronomy Plant Intro Lab - 0147 Agronomy Plant Introduct. Lab - 0658 Alachua County Animal Services - 3270 Alcohol Storage Facility - 0464 Alexander Clinic (Ambulatory Care Center) - 2224 Alpha Delta Pi - G922 Anderson Hall - 0007 Animal Building - 0478 Animal Facilities Shed - 0611 Animal Facs Kennel Core Bldg - 0603 Animal Nutrition Walkway - 1115 Animal Research Chemical Stor - 1196 Animal Sci Physiology Barn - 0466 Animal Science Feeding Barn - 0628 Animal Science Hay Barn - 0627 Animal Science Preparation Bld - 0483 Animal Science Security Residence - 0867 Animal Science Solvent Storage - 0547 Animal Science Storage - 0883 Animal Sciences Building - 0459 Animal Sciences Horse Barn - 0882 Animal Sciences Pole Barn - 0942 Aquatic Food Prod. Pilot Plant - 0120 Aquatic Foods Bus Shelter - 1637 Aquatic Pathobiology - 1379 Aquatic Products Lab - 0461 Aquatic Products Lab Bus Shelter - 2253 Archer Road Self Storage - 2028 Architecture Building - 0268 Attendant Booth at Cultural Plaza - 1774 Attendant Booth at Orthopaedics - 1775 Attendant Booth at SOC Gated Lot - 1194 Auxilary Library Facility - 1630 Ayers Medical Plaza - 3260 Baby Gator - 1049 Baby Gator Bus Shelter - 1639 Baby Gator Storage - 0452 Bandshell Shed - T137 Bartram Hall - 0747 Basic Science - 0206 Basketball Practice Facility - 1169 Bat Barn - BAT1 Bat House 2 - 0084 Baughman Meditation Center - 0983 Baughman Support Building - 0982 Beaty Service Bldg F - 0755 Bee Support Building - 0965 Bee Support Building Pavilion - 0966 Beef Teaching Facility Dorms - 0891 Behavior Lab Annex (Museum) - 0434 Benton Hall - 0721 Benton Walkways - 1104 Bike Shelter (N/S Dr/Commuter) - 0612 Bio-Containment Facility - 1222 Bio-Tech Laboratory - 0710 Biomedical Sciences - 0213 Bioremediation Laboratory - 0245 Biowaste Treatment Facility - 1044 Bivens Arm Research Complex - 1371 Black Hall - 0724 Boat Shelter - 0936 Boat Storage Building - 1643 Boat-Lift Dock - 1451 Bookstore Warehouse - 0713 Bookstore Welcome Center and Garage XII - 0886 Brain Institute Bridge - 1128 Broward Dining Center - 1011 Broward Hall - 0011 Broward at Norman Field - T165 Bruton-Geer Hall - 0759 Bryan Hall - 0006 Bryant Space Science Center - 0038 Buckman Hall - 0015 Bus Shelter 12th St at Norman - 1772 Bus Shelter Center Dr at Frazier Rogers - 1755 Bus Shelter Center Dr at Shepard Broad - 1758 Bus Shelter Center Drive at HPNP - 1757 Bus Shelter Fraternity Drive North - 1191 Bus Shelter Fraternity Drive South - 1771 Bus Shelter Gale Lemerand At Graham - 1761 Bus Shelter Hotel at Park and Ride - 1143 Bus Shelter Hull Road at SWREC - 1768 Bus Shelter McCarty Drive North - 1193 Bus Shelter McCarty Drive South - 1192 Bus Shelter Museum Dr at Microbiology - 1765 Bus Shelter Museum Rd at Dickinson Hall - 1754 Bus Shelter Museum at Beaty Towers - 1034 Bus Shelter Museum at Hume - 1762 Bus Shelter Newell Dr at Dickinson Hall - 1753 Bus Shelter Proposed 8th Ave at Norman - 1773 Bus Shelter Proposed Hull Rd at Fifield - 1770 Bus Shelter Proposed at Baby Gator - 1763 Bus Shelter Proposed at Bat House - 1764 Bus Shelter Proposed at Softball Fields - 1767 Bus Shelter Radio Rd at Counseling N - 1776 Bus Shelter Radio Rd at Counseling S - 1777 Bus Shelter Radio Road at Lakeside Apts - 1766 Bus Shelter at Baby Gator, Newell Road - 2255 Bus Shelter at Garage 14 - 1414 Bus Shelter at Garage 14 - 1415 Bus Shelter at Garage 14 - 1416 Bus Shelter at Gator Corner Dining Center, East Hall - 2256 Bus Shelter at Harn Park and Ride - 1769 Bus Shelter at Newell Drive, Harrell Medical - 2254 Bus Shelter at Rawlings Center - 1751 Bus Shelter at Rawlings North - 1750 Bus Shelter at Rawlings South - 1752 Bus Shelter at the HUB - 1778 Butterfly Rainforest - 0341 CCE Staff - 1604 CJC-WUFT-TV PROD CTR-ADMIN - L0056 CLC - Community Living Center - 2008 CMS Building B - 1457 COLT - 0162 CORE - 0401 CSE Generator - 0061 Cancer/Genetics Research - 1376 Cardiac Rehab Building - 3012 Carleton Auditorium - 0022 Carpenter Shop - 0680 Carr Hall - 0748 Catering Service Building - 0080 Cattle Handling Facility - 0899 Center Environmental & Human Tox. Annex - 0470 Center Of Excellence - 1383 Center for Environmental & Human Tox - 0471 Centrex (University Police) - 0132 Century Tower - 0448 Chemical Eng Solvent Storage - 0726 Chemical Engineering - 0723 Chemical Engineering Digester - 0869 Chemical Engineering Student Center - 0958 Chemical Fertilizer Mix Load - 1132 Chemical Storage - 0838 Chemical Storage - 0548 Chemistry Laboratory - 0028 Chlorine Contact Chamber - 1065 Civil Engineering Storage - 0765 Clam Genetics Facility - 1370 Clarifier (East) - 1067 Clarifier (West) - 1068 Clinical & Translational Research Bldg - 1375 Clinical and Translational Science Inst. - 0896 Cogeneration Plant - 0082 Communication/Extension Annex - 0060 Communicore - 0203 Computer Power Supply - 0035 Computer Sciences/Engineering - 0042 Condensate Pump House - 1047 Condron Family Ballpark - 0959 Conference Center - 0484 Conferences and Institutes - 0078 Constans Theatre - 0687 Corry Apartments - 0288 Corry Apartments - 0285 Corry Apartments - 0284 Corry Apartments - 0283 Corry Apartments - 0282 Corry Apartments - 0280 Corry Apartments - 0279 Corry Apartments - 0278 Corry Apartments - 0276 Corry Apartments - 0286 Corry Apartments - 0281 Corry Apartments - 0277 Corry Apartments - 0289 Corry Village Commons - 0287 Counseling And Wellness - 0081 Cpa America - 1386 Creative Works - L0057 Criser CIB - 0169 Criser Hall - 0031 Crops And Soils Field Lab - 0152 Cwp #1 Weil Cooling Towers - 0048 Cwp #5 Mccarty Cooling Towers - 1054 Cypress Hall - 0086 DAS Equipment Room - 0232 DSIT - 1024 Dairy Science Building - 0499 Dasburg President's House - 1027 Dauer Hall - 0111 Davis Cancer Pavilion - 0170 Delta Gamma - G910 Dental Science - 0205 Dental Science Walkways - 1125 Deriso Hall - 0165 Design Center Annex - 0264 Development & Alumni Affairs - 0153 Diamond Apartments - 0302 Diamond Apartments - 0306 Diamond Apartments - 0305 Diamond Apartments - 0304 Diamond Apartments - 0301 Diamond Apartments - 0300 Diamond Apartments - 0299 Diamond Apartments - 0298 Diamond Apartments - 0297 Diamond Apartments - 0296 Diamond Apartments - 0307 Diamond Apartments - 0303 Dickinson Hall - 0181 Dizney Stadium - 1121 Doyle Conner Building - 3009 Dr. Erich A. Farber Archives - 0587 Drone Support Building 1 - 1644 Drone Support Building 2 - 1645 Drying Facility, Forestry - 0200 EH&S Fumigation Chamber - 1173 EH&S Fumigation Storage - 1174 EH&S Pest Control Storage - 1177 EH&S Program Support - 0683 EH&S Storage Shed - 2037 EHS Administrative Offices - 0179 EIO Generator, Bryant - 0040 East Campus Data Center Annex - 1642 East Campus Data Center Extension - 1648 East Campus Office - 1628 East Campus Utility Yard - 1629 East Hall - 0592 Eastside Clinic - 1147 Editorial Publications Storage - 0941 Electronic Communications Lab - 0668 Elmore Hall For Admin Services - 0465 Emerson Alumni Hall - 0261 Engineering Building - 0033 Engineering Clock Tower - 1124 Engineering HR South - 0760 Engineering Walkways - 1107 Ent Shadehouse N - 1358 Ent Shadehouse S - 1359 Entomology Field Laboratory - 0619 Entomology Greenhouse - 1299 Entomology Greenhouse - 1298 Entomology Honey Lab - 0940 Entomology Implement Shed - 0946 Entomology Shop - 0346 Entomology-Nematology Building - 0970 Env Hort Support - 1356 Environmental Biotech. Lab - 0243 Environmental Microbiology Lab - 0246 Environmental Soil Bin - 1231 Environmental Stress Lab - 1265 Equine Barn A - 1020 Equine Barn B - 1021 Equine Sports Performance Arena - 1025 Equipment Storage - 0812 Equipment Storage - 1247 Equipment Storage - 1190 Equipment Storage - 0238 Equipment Storage - 0097 Equipment Storage Building - 0957 FLMNH Special Collections Building - 0640 Facilities Office - 0057 Facilities Office - 0124 Facilities Services - 0700 Facilities Services Building Services - 0703 Facilities Services Central Stores - 0705 Facilities Services Electrical Storage - 0806 Facilities Services Garage North - 0707 Facilities Services Garage South - 0708 Facilities Services Grounds - 0704 Facilities Services Grounds Administration - 0809 Facilities Services Human Resources - 0701 Facilities Services Maintenance - 0702 Facilities Services Masonry Shop - 0807 Facilities Services Motor Pool - 0706 Facilities Services Storage #1 - 0794 Facilities Services Storage #2 - 0850 Facilities Services Storage #2 - 0546 Facilities Services Storage #3 - 0709 Facilities Services Training Trlr - 0270 Facilities Services Vehicle Wash/Lube Station - 0804 Faculty Clinic Building - 2215 Farm Operations/Conference - 0884 Femors Trailer - 3417 Fiber Hut Aero - 1076 Fiber Hut CSE - 0500 Fiber Hut Eastside - 1627 Fiber Hut Elmore - 0437 Fiber Hut Fifield - 0730 Fiber Hut MAE - 0180 Fiber Hut Mowry - 1048 Field & Fork Storage - 0503 Field Lab - 0935 Field Lab, Forestry - 0191 Field Lab, Forestry - 0851 Field Storage - 0648 Field Storage - 0829 Field Support - 0071 Field and Fork Farm - 0508 Field and Fork Food Pantry - 0476 Field and Fork Greenhouse - 1441 Fifield Hall - 0717 Fifield PNR - 1647 Filters - 1066 Fine Arts A - 0597 Fine Arts B - 0598 Fine Arts C - 0599 Fine Arts D - 0269 Fine Arts Walkways - 1101 Fl Caribbean Science Center - 3052 Fla. Museum Storage Shed - 1043 Fletcher Executive Center - 3442 Fletcher Hall - 0134 Flmnh Pole Barn - 0109 Florida Ballpark Maintenance Building - 0901 Florida Biologix - 1380 Florida Farm Bureau - 2016 Florida Field North End Zone - 0159 Florida Field South End Zone - 0155 Florida Gymnasium - 0021 Florida Museum Natural History - L0055 Florida Museum of Natural History - 0308 Florida Pool Compressor Bldg - 0236 Florida Pool Offices/Lockers - 0552 Florida Pool Plant - 0093 Florida Power Substation - 0363 Florida Power West Substation - 1060 Food Sci Distillation Building - 0816 Food Science & Human Nutrition - 0475 Food Science Storage - 0493 Food/Environ Toxicology Lab - 0685 Football Maintenance Facility - 0871 Football Pool Building - 3261 Football Training Facility - 0857 Forest Stewardship - 0844 Forestry Resource and Conservation - 0107 Foundation Research - 1032 Foundation Storage - 1033 Fraternity - Alpha Gamma Rho - G300 Fraternity - Chi Phi - 0419 Fraternity - Delta Tau Delta - 3317 Fraternity - Phi Kappa Tau - 3416 Fraternity - Tau Epsilon Phi - 0426 Fraternity - Tau Kappa Epsilon - 3408 Fraternity -Alpha Epsilon Pi - 0431 Fraternity -Alpha Tau Omega - 3393 Fraternity -Beta Theta Pi - 0430 Fraternity -Delta Chi - 0423 Fraternity -Delta Upsilon - 3388 Fraternity -Kappa Alpha - 0400 Fraternity -Kappa Sigma - 0902 Fraternity -Lambda Chi Alpha - 0421 Fraternity -Phi Delta Theta - 3394 Fraternity -Pi Kappa Alpha - 0398 Fraternity -Pi Lambda Phi - 0432 Fraternity -Sigma Chi - 0425 Fraternity -Sigma Nu - 0399 Fraternity -Sigma Phi Epsilon - 0422 Fraternity -Theta Chi - 0427 Fraternity -Zeta Beta Tau - 0424 Fraternity-Sigma Alpha Epsilon - 0420 Fruit Packing - 1250 Fuel Cell Garage - 1139 Fuel Storage Tank - 1296 GRADhaus - 3324 Gamma Phi Beta - G923 Gator Band Pavilion - 1481 Gator Band Shell - 0255 Gator Band Shell Restrooms - 0256 Gator Corner Dining Center - 0359 Gator Residential Complex Utility Building - 1516 General Services Building - 0204 Generator - 0695 Geology Connex 1 - T131 Geology Connex 2 - T132 Gerson Hall - 0054 Golf Cart Storage - 0678 Golf Club Comfort Station - 0822 Golf Club Workshop - 0821 Golf Course Clubhouse - 0674 Golf Practice Facility - 0814 Graham Area Office - 0589 Graham Hall - 0591 Greenhouse - 0834 Greenhouse - 1223 Greenhouse - 1363 Greenhouse - 0777 Greenhouse - 1361 Greenhouse - 0776 Greenhouse - 1306 Greenhouse - 0820 Greenhouse - 1417 Greenhouse - 0975 Greenhouse - 1354 Greenhouse - 1360 Greenhouse - 1362 Greenhouse - 1364 Greenhouse - 1301 Greenhouse - 1302 Greenhouse - 1303 Greenhouse - 1304 Greenhouse - 1305 Greenhouse - 0799 Greenhouse - 0780 Greenhouse - 1387 Greenhouse - 0074 Greenhouse - 0044 Greenhouse - 0046 Greenhouse - 0624 Greenhouse (FLMNH) - 0108 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0736 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0735 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0731 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0676 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0651 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0649 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0360 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0505 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0734 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0934 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0824 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0933 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0932 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0931 Greenhouse, Agronomy - 0930 Greenhouse, Botany - 0659 Greenhouse, Botany - 0774 Greenhouse, CLAS - 1413 Greenhouse, CLAS - 0485 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0950 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0798 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0939 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0491 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1272 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0618 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0492 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1257 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1268 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1270 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1271 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1273 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1274 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1275 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1276 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1277 Greenhouse, Entomology - 1279 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0644 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0642 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0929 Greenhouse, Entomology - 0938 Greenhouse, Food Science - 0846 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0671 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0645 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0677 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0679 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0738 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0739 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0740 Greenhouse, Forestry - 0849 Greenhouse, Fruit Crops - 0973 Greenhouse, Fruit Crops - 0682 Greenhouse, Fruit Crops - 1266 Greenhouse, Hort. Science - 1207 Greenhouse, Hort. Science - 1206 Greenhouse, Hort. Science - 1208 Greenhouse, Nematology - 0490 Greenhouse, Ornamental Hort - 1217 Greenhouse, Ornamental Hort - 1219 Greenhouse, Ornamental Hort - 1220 Greenhouse, Ornamental Hort - 1216 Greenhouse, Ornamental Hort - 1215 Greenhouse, Ornamental Hort - 1218 Greenhouse, Ornamental Hort - 0978 Greenhouse, Ornht - 1204 Greenhouse, Ornht - 1201 Greenhouse, Ornht - 1202 Greenhouse, Ornht - 1203 Greenhouse, Pathology - 0971 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0507 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0489 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0488 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0487 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0486 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0623 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0622 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0861 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0858 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0853 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0621 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0875 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0088 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0669 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0444 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0841 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0047 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0840 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0586 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0585 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0728 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0666 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0650 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0055 Greenhouse, Plant Pathology - 0090 Greenhouse, Soils - 0732 Greenhouse, Soils - 0733 Greenhouse, Turfgrass - 1287 Greenhouse, Turfgrass - 1284 Greenhouse, Turfgrass - 1286 Greenhouse, Turfgrass - 1283 Greenhouse, Turfgrass - 1285 Greenhouse, Vegetable Crops - 0463 Greenhouse, Vegetable Crops - 0441 Grennhouse, Entomology - 1269 Griffin-Floyd Hall - 0010 Grinter Hall - 0002 Grounds Carport - T136 Grounds Storage Building - 0630 Growth Chamber Facility - 0711 HBREL - 0964 HOP Modular - T106 HR Building - 3381 HSC Modular Building - 2020 Harn Museum Of Art - 0309 Harrell Medical Education Building - 0214 Head House - 1373 Head House - 0549 Head house - 0403 Head house - 0076 Headhouse - 0584 Headhouse - 0561 Headhouse, Ornht - 1209 Headhouse/Greenhouse - 0660 Health Center Radio Tower - 1749 Health Center Surge #2 - 0698 Health Prof, Nursing, Pharmacy - 0212 HealthStreet Bldg - 0892 Heavener Hall - 0065 Herbert Wertheim Laboratory for Engineering Excellence - 0779 Heritage Hall - 0160 Holland Law Center - 0757 Holland Law Chilled Water Plant (CWP7) - 0758 Honors Village Residential Complex #1 - 1511 Honors Village Residential Complex #2 - 1512 Honors Village Residential Complex #3 - 1513 Honors Village Residential Complex #4 - 1514 Honors Village Residential Complex Commons Building #5 - 1515 Horse Barn - 1618 Hort Teaching Garden Facility - 1400 Horticultural Sciences Greenhouse - 1443 Hough Hall - 0064 Housing Bus Shelter at Maguire - 0361 Housing Furniture Shop - 0541 Housing Office - 0753 Housing Specialty Shop - 1198 Housing Supply Warehouse - 1199 Hsc Emergency Power - 1058 Hub - 0032 Human Development Center - 0454 Hume Commons Bldg - 0576 Hume East Residence - 0575 Hume Staff Apts - 0574 Hume Support Bldg - 0578 Hume West Residence - 0577 Hvac/Electrical Shop - 0808 Hydrogen Research - T005 Hydrology Storage Building - 0654 Hydropneumatic Tank - 1064 IFAS Administrative Services - 0089 IFAS Agronomy Lab - 0340 IFAS Agronomy Lab - 0339 IFAS Agronomy Lab - 0350 IFAS Agronomy Lab - 0345 IFAS Chiller - 0310 IFAS Chiller Plant - 0600 IFAS Communication Services - 0069 IFAS Conference Center (Agy) - 0344 IFAS Extension Bookstore - 0440 IFAS Greenhouse - 0468 IFAS Mechanical Equipment Bldg - 0716 IFAS Office / Lab - 0063 IFAS Pump House - 0433 IFAS Storage (Agy) - 0342 IFAS Warehouse - 0665 IFAS Warehouse - 0664 IFAS Warehouse Walkway - 1117 IFAS Wildlife Ecology Storage - 0615 Indoor Football Facility - 0860 Infinity Hall - 3485 Infirmary - 0018 Information Booth - 0904 Ingenuity Building- Lastinger Center - L0083 Innovation Hub - 3440 Institute Of Black Culture (IBC) - 8740 Interim Library Facility 1 - 1633 Interim Library Facility 2 - 1634 Interstate Mini Storage - 3380 Jacksonville Biomed Res Labs - 3382 James G. Pressly Stadium - 0562 Jennings Hall A - 0593 Jennings Hall B - 0594 Jennings Hall C - 0595 Jennings Hall Office - 0596 Johnny Walker Building - 1603 Kappa Kappa Gamma -Sorority - 3390 Keene-Flint Hall - 0008 Keys Commons Bldg - 1001 Keys Residence Hse 10 - 1010 Keys Residence Hse 2 - 1002 Keys Residence Hse 3 - 1003 Keys Residence Hse 4 - 1004 Keys Residence Hse 5 - 1005 Keys Residence Hse 6 - 1006 Keys Residence Hse 7 - 1007 Keys Residence Hse 8 - 1008 Keys Residence Hse 9 - 1009 LRC - 2213 La Casita - 8800 Lab Of SE Archeology - 0114 Lacrosse & Soccer Facility - 1123 Lacrosse Maintenance - 1122 Lacrosse Ticket - 1120 Lacy Rabon Chilled Water Plant (CWP2) - 0473 Lake Nona Research and Academic Center - 3425 Lake Wauburg North Shop - 1159 Lake Wauburg North Shore Trailer Residence - L0068 Lake Wauburg North Shore-Waterfront Equipment Checkout Building - 1450 Lake Wauburg North Storage Shed - 1158 Lakeside Commons - 1180 Lakeside Res Bldg - 1183 Lakeside Res Bldg - 1181 Lakeside Res Bldg - 1184 Lakeside Res Bldg - 1185 Lakeside Res Bldg - 1182 Lakeside Staff Apts - 1186 Larsen Hall - 0722 Law Center Walkways - 1106 Leigh Hall - 0009 Leigh Hall Walkways - 1102 Lemerand Center - 1000 Lepidoptera Res Ctr Greenhouse - 0349 Levin Advocacy Ctr - 0764 Library Storage - 1632 Library Storage - 1631 Library West - 0689 Library West Walkway - 1103 Linder Tennis Stadium - 0125 Little Hall - 0655 Little Hall Express - 0556 MAE Student Design Center - 0980 Maguire Apartments No. 1 - 0365 Maguire Apartments No. 10 - 0374 Maguire Apartments No. 11 - 0375 Maguire Apartments No. 12 - 0376 Maguire Apartments No. 14 - 0378 Maguire Apartments No. 15 - 0379 Maguire Apartments No. 16 - 0380 Maguire Apartments No. 17 - 0381 Maguire Apartments No. 18 - 0382 Maguire Apartments No. 19 - 0383 Maguire Apartments No. 2 - 0366 Maguire Apartments No. 20 - 0384 Maguire Apartments No. 21 - 0385 Maguire Apartments No. 22 - 0386 Maguire Apartments No. 23 - 0387 Maguire Apartments No. 24 - 0388 Maguire Apartments No. 25 - 0389 Maguire Apartments No. 26 - 0390 Maguire Apartments No. 27 - 0391 Maguire Apartments No. 28 - 0392 Maguire Apartments No. 29 - 0393 Maguire Apartments No. 3 - 0367 Maguire Apartments No. 4 - 0368 Maguire Apartments No. 5 - 0369 Maguire Apartments No. 6 - 0370 Maguire Apartments No. 7 - 0371 Maguire Apartments No. 8 - 0372 Maguire Apartments No. 9 - 0373 Maguire Pool Filtration - 0394 Maguire Pool Restroom - 0395 Maguire Village Commons - 0377 Mallory Hall - 0041 Marston Science Library - 0043 Materials Engineering - 0719 Matherly Hall - 0406 McCarty Chilled Water Plant (CWP5) - 1053 McCarty Hall A - 0495 McCarty Hall B - 0496 McCarty Hall C - 0497 McCarty Hall D - 0498 Mccarty Walkways - 1100 Mcknight Brain Institute - 0059 Mechanical & Aerospace Eng A - 0725 Mechanical & Aerospace Eng B - 0720 Mechanical & Aerospace Eng C - 0183 Mechanics Shop - 0805 Medium Voltage Electrical Room - 1646 Microbiology/Cell Science - 0981 Microkelvin Laboratory - 0099 Mowry Chilled Water Plant (CWP10) - 1378 Multipurpose Facility - 0887 Murphree Hall - 0135 Murphree Hall Area Commons - 0355 Music Building - 0117 NCEF Pediatric Dental Center - 3411 Nanoscale Research - 0070 Natl Storage - 0795 Natural Area Teaching Pavilion - 0796 Nature Coast Biological Station - 1851 Nematode Plot Shelter - 0638 Nematology Field Lab - 0643 Nematology Potting Shed - 1290 Nematology Storage Trailer - 1292 Neurobiological Surge #6 - 0772 Newell Hall - 0013 Newins-Ziegler Hall SFRC/WEC - 0832 Nfrmc-Medical Arts Building - 3310 Nimbus - L0072 Norman Gym - 0102 Norman Hall - 0101 Norman Hall Addition - 0103 Norman Hall Walkways - 1105 North End Zone Cooling Tower - 0163 North Hall - 0050 North Tower - 0446 Northwest Commercial Center - L0054 Nuclear Field Building - 0554 Nuclear Reactor Building - 0557 Nuclear Sciences Building - 0634 Nuclear Waste Storage - 0848 O'Connell Center - 0094 O'Connell Storage - 0091 OSMI Support Building - 1179 Observatory - 0067 Oconnell Warm-Up Pool Plant - 0098 Office Building - 0106 Office Building - 0866 One Innovative Chiller - 1381 One Innovative Storage - 1382 Organic Garden Storage - 0775 Ornamental Hort Carport - 1210 Ornamental Hort Laboratory - 1205 Ornamental Hort Pesticide Bldg - 1212 Ornamental Hort Pot Washing - 1211 Ornamental Hort Soils Building - 1213 Ornamental Horticulture Lab - 1214 Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Institute - 1178 PEDs at Tioga - L0014 PK Yonge Concession Stand - T107 PK Yonge Middle and High School Expansion - 1432 PKY School H Addition - 1154 PKY School L Addition - 1155 PKY School Walkways - 1110 PKY Covered PE Court - 1442 PKY Develop.Research School E - 0512 PKY Develop.Research School N - 0521 PKY Develop.Research School P - 0523 PKY Develop.Research School Q - 0606 PKY Gym - 1433_02_17_16 PKY PE Building - 1447 PKY School Covered Court - 0509 PKY School Temporary T 1428 - 1428 PKY School Temporary T 1429 - 1429 Parking Garage 1 (Shands East) - 0207 Parking Garage 10 (Shands E) - 0208 Parking Garage 11 (Perf Arts) - 1166 Parking Garage 14 - 0187 Parking Garage 2 (Shands West) - 0209 Parking Garage 3 (Shands West) - 0364 Parking Garage 4 (Museum Rd) - 0358 Parking Garage 5 (N/S Drive) - 0397 Parking Garage 6 (Sw 16th St) - 1091 Parking Garage 7 (Oconnell) - 0148 Parking Garage 8 (Norman) - 0442 Parking Garage 9 (Archer) - 0166 Parking Garage 9 (Archer) - 0173 Parking Garage Complex - 0254 Particle Science & Technology - 0746 Pasture Pole Barn - 0614 Pathogens - 1377 Paul M. Lyrene Blueberry Research Building - 0906 Pavilion - 2226 Peabody Hall - 0004 Perry Indoor Tennis Facility - 1087 Pest Control Parking Shed - T008 Pesticide Information Office - 0847 Pesticide Lab Annex B - 0833 Pesticide Storage - 1242 Phelps Lab - 0856 Phillips Center - 0315 Physical Security - 0429 Physics Building - 0092 Pi Kappa Phi - G211 Pk Elementary Wing - 1430 Pk Performing Arts Center - 0524 Plant Cell/Molecular Bio Lab - 0885 Plant Growth Building - 0501 Plant Path Diagnostics Lab - 1291 Plant Pathology Cytology Laboratory - 0193 Plant Pathology Growth Room - 0667 Plant Pathology Storage - 1243 Plant Science Facility - 1200 Pole Barn - T209 Pole Barn - 0222 Polyhouse - 1355 Polyhouse #10-Ornamental Hort. - 1227 Polyhouse #5-Ornamental Hort. - 1225 Polyhouse #9-Ornamental Hort. - 1228 Pony Field Band Structure - T113 Pool Maintenance Bldg-Housing - 0357 Potting Shed, Forestry - 1288 Professional Resource Center (AEI) - E05 Progress Park Large Animal Facility - 1040 Progress Park North - PR02 Progress Park Small Animal Facility - 1042 Project/Hvac Controls - 0852 Psychology Building - 0749 Public Safety Building - 1911 Pugh Hall - 0072 Pump House - 0920 Pump House (E&G) - 0467 Pump House (Gator Pond) - 0176 Pump House (Ocala Pond) - 0161 Pump Shed - 1241 Qualification Lab - 1619 Quarantine Greenhouse - 1240 R. C. Beaty Commons - 0752 R. C. Beaty Towers A - 0750 R. C. Beaty Towers B (EAST) - 0751 R.C. Beaty Apartments E1 - 0754 R.C. Beaty Apartments E2 - 0768 Racing Lab - 0727 Racing Lab Annex - 0635 Racquet Club Dining Center - 0266 Rawlings Hall - 0553 Rawlings Plaza Annex - 0551 Rec. Sports Score Keeper - 0347 Reclaimed Water - 0579 Recreation Sports Maintenance - 1062 Recreational Tennis Facility - 0257 Reed Laboratory - 0131 Reid Hall - 0020 Reitz Student Union - 0686 Research Lab - 0737 Research Lab - 0697 Research Laboratory - 0068 Research Laboratory - 0550 Residence - 0895 Residence / Laboratory Bldg. - 1221 Restroom - 0198 Restroom and Shower Facility - 0194 Rhines Hall - 0184 Rifle Range - 0837 Riker Hall - 0052 Ring Varsity Tennis Building - 1156 Rinker Hall - 0272 Rocky Point Pathology Clinic - 3301 Rogers, Frazier Hall - 0474 Rolfs Elevator Equipment Bldg - 0073 Rolfs Hall - 0012 Rotary Scholarship House - 3000 S.U.S. Press - 0037 S.U.S. Press Offices - 0036 SE Chilled Water Plant (CWP9) - 1056 SMMRL East - 0226 SMMRL Utility Annex - 0250 SMMRL West - 0771 SW Chilled Water Plant (CWP4) - 0295 SW Rec - 0316 Sanitary Lift Station L1 - 0211 Sanitary Lift Station L2 - 0610 Schiebler CMS - 0228 Scott Family Hall - 0275 Sea Grant - 0164 Shade House, Plant Pathology - 0696 Shadehouse - 0969 Shadehouse - 0968 Shadehouse - 0962 Shadehouse - 1226 Shadehouse - 0961 Shands Biohazard Waste Storage - 0694 Shands Facilities Administration - 0271 Shands Generator Plant - 0274 Shands Heliport Hangar - 1089 Shands Heliport Office Bldg - 1088 Shands In-Patient MRI Building - 0457 Shands Linen Utility - 1172 Shands Medical Plaza B - 0171 Shands Patient Services Bldg - 0202 Shands Warehouse - S101 Shealy Drive Bus Shelter - 1679 Sheep Unit Feed Shed - 0743 Shepard Broad Bldg - 0462 Sid Martin Biotechnology - 1041 Sigma Kappa Sorority - G950 Simpson Hall - 0590 Sisler Hall - 0688 Sledd Hall - 0016 Small Animal Hospital - 0075 Smathers Emergency Generator - 1150 Smathers Fire Pump Building - 1151 Smathers Library - 0005 Smokers Shelter (Infirmary) - 1195 Softball Batting Cage - 1171 Softball Indoor Bullpen - 0879 Softball Operations Building - 1636 Softball Stadium - 1160 Soils Fertilizer Storage - 0949 Soils Plant Preparation Lab - 0693 Solar Decathalon House - 1136 Solar Engineering Laboratory - 0247 Solar Park Carport - T173 Solar Park Compost Pole Barn - T177 Solar Park Concrete Research Containers - T179 Solar Park Greenhouse - T178 Solar Park Materials Storage - 1418 Solar Park Shed - T172 Solar Park Shed - T170 Solar Park Shed - T171 Solar Park Shipping Container #2 - T175 Solar Park Teaching Pole Barn - T176 Solar Well House - 0249 Sorority - Delta Zeta - 0903 Sorority - Zeta Tau Alpha - G931 Sorority -Alpha Chi Omega - 0413 Sorority -Alpha Delta Pi - 0409 Sorority -Alpha Epsilon Phi - 0417 Sorority -Alpha Omicron Pi - 0408 Sorority -Chi Omega - 0414 Sorority -Delta Delta Delta - 0411 Sorority -Delta Gamma - 0407 Sorority -Delta Phi Epsilon - 0657 Sorority -Kappa Alpha Theta - 3395 Sorority -Kappa Delta - 0415 Sorority -Phi Mu - 0416 Sorority -Pi Beta Phi - 0418 South Progress Park - PR01 Special Project Lab - FLMNH - 0718 Sports Sign (34th @ Hull) - 1094 Sports Sign (East) - 1092 Sports Sign (West) - 1093 Springs Commons Building - 1080 Springs Residence Building - 1086 Springs Residence Building - 1083 Springs Residence Building - 1082 Springs Residence Building - 1081 Springs Residence Building - 1084 Springs Residence Building - 1085 Stadium Addition - 0156 Stadium, Ben Hill Griffin - 0157 Steinbrenner - 0110 Stetson Medical Sciences - 0445 Storage - 1483 Storage - 1357 Storage Bldg - 0956 Storage Bldg - 0955 Storage Bldg - 0845 Storage Bldg - 0953 Storage Bldg - 0954 Storage Bldg - 0802 Storage Bldg - 0951 Storage Bldg - 0913 Storage Bldg - 0662 Storage Bldg - 0096 Storage Bldg - 0154 Storage Bldg - 0952 Storage Bldg - 0864 Storage Building - 0927 Storage Building - 0675 Storage Building (Agy) - 1420 Storage Leased Building - L0077 Storage Shed - T105 Storquest - 2059 Structures And Materials Lab - 1626 Student Health Care Center - 1500 Student Recreation and Fitness Center - 0265 Stuzin Hall - 0029 Sun Center - 3298 Sun Shelter - 0613 Surplus / Facilities Annex - 0714 Surplus Property Warehouse - 0609 Surplus Warehouse - 0811 Sw Rec Restrooms & Pavilion - 1164 Swim/Dive Facility - 0095 Swine Unit Barn - 0770 Swine Unit Feed Mill - 0744 Swine Unit Feed Processing - 0767 Swine Unit Finishing Barn - 0889 Swine Unit Methane Shed - 0766 Swine Unit Pig Research Barn - 0888 Swine Unit Pole Barn - 0890 Swine Unit Pole Barn - 0769 Tanglewood Apartments - 0530 Tanglewood Apartments - 0535 Tanglewood Apartments - 0536 Tanglewood Apartments - 0539 Tanglewood Apartments - 0538 Tanglewood Apartments - 0537 Tanglewood Apartments - 0527 Tanglewood Apartments - 0528 Tanglewood Apartments - 0529 Tanglewood Apartments - 0531 Tanglewood Apartments - 0532 Tanglewood Apartments - 0533 Tanglewood Apartments - 0534 Temporary Pastures Placeholder - T146 Temporary Storage Container 1 - T207 Temporary Storage Container 2 - T208 The Continuum - 3472 Thomas Hall - 0017 Tigert Hall - 0026 Tolbert Hall - 0045 Toxicology Research Facility - 0118 Transformer Yard #2 - 0801 Treeo Center - 0259 Treeo Training Center - 1641 Trusler Hall - 0588 Turfgrass Envirotron - 1282 Turlington Hall - 0267 Two Innovative Chiller - 1384 Two Innovative Storage - 1385 U. F. Information - 0034 U. F. Substation #1 - 0234 U. F. Substation #10 - 0984 U. F. Substation #11 - 1061 U. F. Substation #12 - 1055 U. F. Substation #2 - 0494 U. F. Substation #3 - 0230 U. F. Substation #4 - 0231 U. F. Substation #5 - 0229 U. F. Substation #6 - 0233 U. F. Substation #9 - 0868 U.F. Mail & Documents Services - 0715 U.F. Substation #13 - 1057 U.F. Substation #14 - 1374 UDC Student Support Center - 2227 UF Ballpark Outfield Restroom and Bar - 1709 UF Center At Lake Nona Utility Yard - 3460 UF Data Center - 1635 UF Health Addiction Medicine - T117 UF Health Deerwood Park - L0050 UF Health Florida Surgical Center - 1197 UF Health Proton Therapy Institute - 1730 UF Health The Oaks - L0047 UF Hotel & Conference Ctr - 1175 UF Large Animal Hospital - 1018 UF Substation #7 - 0197 University Auditorium - 0001 University Foundation Annex - 0253 University Gardens Info Ctr - 0823 University House - 0127 University Press of Florida Storage - L0062 University Village Apartments - 0332 University Village Apartments - 0333 University Village Apartments - 0326 University Village Apartments - 0324 University Village Apartments - 0323 University Village Apartments - 0322 University Village Apartments - 0320 University Village Apartments - 0319 University Village Apartments - 0318 University Village Apartments - 0331 University Village Apartments - 0327 University Village Apartments - 0328 University Village Apartments - 0330 University Village Apartments - 0321 University Village Apartments - 0325 University Village Apartments - 0329 University Village Laundry - 0334 University Village Storage - 0348 University Womens Club - 0077 Urban Entomology - 1278 Usda01 - DA01 Usda02 - DA02 Usda06 - DA06 Usda08 - DA08 Usda09 - DA09 Usda10 - DA10 Usda12 - DA12 Usda13 - DA13 Usda14 - DA14 Usda17 - DA17 Usda25 - DA25 Usda26 - DA26 Usda29 - DA29 Usda30 - DA30 Usda34 - DA34 Usda35 - DA35 Usda37 - DA37 Usgs At Crown Point - 3385 Ustler Hall - 0014 V. A. Hospital - 2000 VAB Auditorium - 0221 Va Education Building #14 - 0220 Van Fleet Hall - 0023 Varsity Tennis Building - 0151 Vending Machines Shelter - 0456 Vet Med Central Energy Plant - 1051 Vet Med Equine Barn - 0218 Vet Med Food Animal Clinic - 0216 Vet Med Hay Barn - 1023 Vet Med Isolation Barn - 1022 Vet Med Metabolic Building - 0217 Vet Med Reproduction Barn - 1016 Vet Med Reproduction Barn - 1019 Vet Med Tool Storage - 1300 Vet Med-Medical Gases Storage - 1098 Vet Science Surgery - 0699 Vet Science Volatile Storage - 0637 Veterinary Academic Bldg - 1017 Veterinary Clinical Sciences - 0215 Vetmed Basic Sciences Walkway - 1126 Vetmed Chemical Storage - 1170 Volatile Storage - 0712 WARPhaus - 3451 WRUF Radio Tower #1 - 1741 WRUF Radio Tower #2 - 1742 WRUF Radio Tower #3 - 1743 WRUF Radio Tower #4 - 1744 WRUF Transmitter Building - 0174 Walker Hall - 0003 Walker Hall Chilled Water Plant (CWP3) - 0049 Wallace Building - 0631 Wallace Building Walkway - 1116 Warehouse - 0199 Warehouse - 0843 Warphaus Service - 3452 Waste Management Facility - 0831 Waste Management Fumigation Shed - 2034 Waste Management Pole Barn - 2036 Waste Management Pole Barn - 2022 Waste Management Shed - 2029 Water Reclamation Admin. Bldg. - 1070 Water Reclamation Chemical Stg - 1072 Water Reclamation Electrical - 1075 Water Reclamation Generator - 1073 Water Reclamation Shop/Storage - 1071 Water Reclamation Sludge Bldg. - 1074 Water Reclamation Storage Tank - 1063 Wauburg Directors Garage - 1142 Wauburg Directors Residence - 1146 Wauburg North Bathhouse - 1145 Wauburg North Boathouse - 0123 Wauburg North Cypress Lodge - 0144 Wauburg North Gatehouse - 1421 Wauburg North Picnic Shelter - 0122 Wauburg North Picnic Shelter - 0121 Wauburg North Pumphouse - 0146 Wauburg North Storage - 1141 Wauburg North Storage - 1144 Wauburg North Storage Shed - 0129 Weaver Hall - 0053 Weed Sciences Field Building - 0258 Weil Chilled Water Plant (CWP1) - 0025 Weil Hall - 0024 Weimer Hall - 0030 West Chilled Water Plant (CWP6) - 0317 Wildlife Ecology - 0150 Wildlife Molecular Ecology Office - 0116 Williamson Hall - 0100 Wilmot Gardens Admin - 0175 Wilmot Gardens Bus Shelter - 0192 Wilmot Gardens Greenhouse - 0190 Wilmot Gardens Pergola - T166 Wilmot Gardens Shed - 1453 Winn-Dixie Hope Lodge - 3001 Workshop/Storage, Forestry - 0681 Wuft Transmitter Building - 0558 Wuft Transmitter Building - 1745 Wuft Tv Tower - 1746 Wwtp Bnr Basins - 1077 Wwtp Lift Station - 1069 Wwtp Pretreatment Structure - 1078 Yon Hall - 0158 Yulee Hall - 0039 eVTOL - 1501 oDAS - 0967